In light of the unprecedented, global response to COVID-19, we want to provide you an update on how this situation may impact DeadstocksUS purchases. Please know that our customer service teams are working tirelessly to answer you as quickly as possible. However, we would like to ask for your patience and understanding as this is an ever-changing situation. Our goal is to fulfill orders within our usual timeframes. However, due to COVID-19 delivery times and updates are dependent on the capabilities of our delivery partners as well as any government’s recommendations or regulations towards self-isolation. We are a global marketplace, and it is possible that delays in Europe and other countries could impact delivery times to the United States as well. Please refrain from contacting us multiple times about the same issue as this can cause further delays. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding during these challenging times. Thank you! Deadstocks US Team
Payment Methods
• Credit / Debit Cards
• Offline Payments